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Satya Nag Champa Incense Sticks 10g



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3 in stock

SKU: 9462581 Categories:

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Nag Champa is a fragrance from India. It has a high concentration of sandalwood. It is most frequently found in the form of incense sticks and cones. Nag Champa belongs to the “Champa” class of Indian incense, originating from the Champa Flower. Champa incenses contain a natural ingredient indigenous to India called “halmaddi”, which is a semi-liquid resin taken from the Ailanthus Malabarica tree. It is what gives Nag Champa its characteristic gray color. Halmaddi is hygroscopic which means it absorbs moisture from the air. This can cause Nag Champa incenses to have a wet feeling to them. 10 Nag.

Satya Nag Champa Incense Stick...


3 in stock

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