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Smoke Buddy Original | Personal Air Filter



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Breathe smoke into the smoke buddy and nothing comes out!

Want to smoke inside or smoke in the car without leaving a lingering smell? Need to be super discreet or considerate of family? Need to hide smoke smells from flatmates, parents or landlords? Then the Smokebuddy is the product for you!

The Smokebuddy works with a carbon filter that eliminates smell from exhaled smoke. Inhale your smoke then exhale into the Smokebuddy and the carbon filter does the rest of the work for you, eliminating the odour and traces of visible smoke! No more complaints about second hand smoke! No more visible smoke lingering around.

The smoke & smell is trapped inside your Smokebuddy, leaving the air around you clean

Smoke Buddy is super easy to clean and maintain. Just use a damp cloth or tissue to wipe the inside and you’re done! Furthermore, it’s environmentally safe and lasts for 300 uses, making it a discreet, effective and cheap solution to secondhand smoke.

For most people Smokebuddy Orginal will last between 1 month and 6 months or an average of 300 uses! Leaving the Smokebuddy caps off will dry up the moisture faster and your Smokebuddy will last longer.

Smoke Buddy Original | Persona...


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