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Bear Quartz BQ Globe Dab Rig Box Set | 7″ | 14mm F



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These globe dab rigs are made from quality borosilicate glass with a bear head percolator and holey globe diffuser. Measuring 7 inches (17.8cm) tall, these dab rigs include a set of two clear terp pearls to use with the 14mm male flat top quartz banger. This set also includes a V2 spinner disc carb cap with its own silicone stand.

Banger dimensions: 25mm outer diameter, 22mm inner diameter, 39mm bucket height, 35mm bucket depth, 3mm thickness
Carb Cap dimensions: 40mm diameter
Terp Bead dimensions: 6mm diameter

bear quartz bq globe dab rig box set | 7" | 14mm f Bear Quartz BQ Globe Dab Rig B...


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