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Cookies Diamond Slurper Banger Kit 14mm M 90D



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SKU: SA5145 Categories:

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This Diamond Slurper Banger Kit from Cookies comes with a terp slurper style banger with a diamond cut bottom tray and an etched Cookies logo on the exterior. The kit includes a matching diamond insert and pillar insert which work to maximize surface area and cool smoke. The diamond-shaped carb cap covers the bucket of the banger perfectly while directing airflow around the chamber.

Banger Dimensions: 20mm outer diameter, 14mm inner diameter, 80mm height, 77mm depth, 2mm wall thickness, 30mm bottom dish diameter
Carb Cap Dimensions: 30mm diameter
Diamond Insert: 14mm diameter
Pillar Insert Dimensions: 20mm x 5mm dimensions

cookies diamond slurper banger kit 14mm m 90d Cookies Diamond Slurper Banger...


3 in stock

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