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Hemper Quick Hitters 2 Pack Disposable Multi-Use One Hitters



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Hemper Quick Hitters are a new way for customers who don’t want to roll up to enjoy a quick smoke on the go, with added flavor. Similar to the flavored King Palms, Quick Hitters have a flavor bead tucked inside the filter tip. Crush the filter and pop the pearl to release the real fruit terpenes. The pipe has an eco friendly paper design, which is why it’s disposable. It has the built-in flavor tip, and is durable enough to be used multiple times before it’s time to throw it away. The ceramic bowl tip is heat resistant and provides a great, clean taste.

  • QUICK HITTER | Hemper Quick Hitters are new, disposable one hitter pipes that feature a flavor bead in the built-in filter tip.
  • CERAMIC BOWL | The ceramic bowl tip is white and very heat resistant. Pack it with flower and light, there is no carb hole to cover.
  • MULTI-USE | The paper design of this pipe is intended to be disposable, but is durable enough to smoke multiple bowl packs before it is time to toss it.
Hemper Quick Hitters 2 Pack Di...


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