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King Palm | King Size Hemp 32 leaves 32 tips



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King Palm Hemp Papers are a great option for fans of King Palm who are looking to enjoy the experience of smoking a joint rather than a palm cone. Made with only the finest hemp fibers, these 100% hemp papers also include filter tips in the booklet.

Customers know and love King Palm for their high-quality rolling supplies and accessories. Each booklet is packed with 32 leaves and 32 unrolled paper filter tips. Roll up a tip and either free hand roll the joint or use a rolling machine for a more uniform roll. Each booklet has a magnet on the flap to keep it securely closed and the papers protected between uses.

  • HEMP PAPERS | Hemp papers are a new addition to the King Palm product line. Made using the finest hemp fibers, these 100% hemp papers are a great alternative to traditional rolling papers.
  • KING SIZE | These are king size rolling papers. They can fit up to 1.25g of ground product inside.
  • FLAVORS | These are natural hemp papers and are available in both natural, unflavored and flavored options including Tropical Fruits, Blueberry, and Mango.
King Palm | King Size Hemp 32 ...


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