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Secret Missions Girls Night Out


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $10.00.

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2 in stock

SKU: 73451 Categories:

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Get your party started with a Bang with Secret Missions – it’s sure to go down a bomb!!

As host, choose the most appropriate name tag for each guest from the twelve Party themed badges. On the reverse of each tag is their Secret Mission, known only to them. It may be naughty, it could be cheeky, but it’s sure to be downright hilarious.

A great way to break the ice and light the fuse for a wild bash as guests covertly carry out their undercover operations.

  • 12 Secret Mission Badges
  • 12 Metal Clip Badges and Forfeit cards
Secret Missions Girls Night Ou...

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $10.00.

2 in stock

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