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True Terpenes | Limoncello 2ml Profile | Infused



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SKU: 54136 Categories:

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Named after a delicious sweet liquor this lemon forward strain profile will leave you wanting desert.

Fragrance: A strong citrus aroma, but notes of mango, pine and pepper blend into the lemony tang to give this profile a unique nose. A high nerolidol level adds to the floral, fruity green tones.

Effect: Limoncello will help you unwind at the end of the day with an uplifting peace.

Limoncello gives off strong citrus aroma, but notes of mango, pine and pepper blend into the lemony tang to give this profile a unique nose. A high nerolidol level adds to the floral, fruity green tones. Limoncello will help you unwind at the end of the day with an uplifting peace.

True Terpenes | Limoncello 2ml...


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