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Eztest | Cocaine Cuts



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16 in stock

SKU: 4845569 Categories:

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Uncut, pure cocaine does not react to this test. Any color means impurities!

(However; it does not indicate how pure your sample is – for this we recommend our Cocaine Purity Ez Test.

Adulterants in drugs can have serious side-effects such as nausea, anxiety, insomnia and in the worst case death.

Ez Test is quick and easy to use and can will detect contaminates such aslevamisole, ephedrine, phenacetineand other impurities.

The reagent itself has a golden yellow color. Detailed instructions and a color chart to compare your results with are included in the box.

Within seconds you will have a good indication of what you’re dealing with!

Eztest | Cocaine Cuts


16 in stock

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