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King Palm | Rollie Size 2pack | Gelato Cream



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34 in stock

SKU: 96533 Categories:

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The King Palm Gelato Cream flavor is a great flavor from King Palm. Simply pop the the tip and enjoy the full flavor this has to offer. Enjoy smoking on this exotic Gelato cream flavored palm leaf.

King Palms are super easy to pack up and smoke. Simply use the wooden stick that’s included in each pack to load up your dry herbs in it. The flavor is activated by popping the filter. It consists of a natural corn husk filter with the flavor inside. It also helps dry herbs not fall out.

Each pack of King Palm Gelato Cream flavor comes with a humidity control packet. The watermelon flavor gives a nice added blast to your dry herbs.

Fits 0.5g each

King Palm | Rollie Size 2pack ...


34 in stock

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