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Superfeast Jing Blend 100g Jar



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2 in stock

SKU: 48171 Categories:

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Our iconic blend of the Taoist herbal tradition’s most revered Jing herbs.

The JING blend remains our primary formula of Taoist herbs for our community seeking to replenish the Essence of their body and organs that has been lost from living with stress over a long period, indulging in excess, and generally leaking core essence through staying too long in the sympathetic nervous system state and living a general Western lifestyle.

The blend can be used to rebuild your core energy, and once restored can remain in your lifestyle to help you to continue to cultivate this essence within the Kidneys.

Traditionally used in traditional Chinese medicine to:

  • Tonify Kidney-Essence / Kidney-Jing
  • Help body adapt to stress
  • Relieve weariness / tiredness / fatigue


All herbs in this formula are sourced Dì Dào (地道) from herb-producing regions of China.


Caution use with diarrhea due to Spleen deficiency. QI formula in combination with JING can support the health of the Spleen.

Store below 30°C.
Keep out of reach of children.
Packed in Australia from imported ingredients.
Talk to a TCM practitioner/health professional if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.
If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.

Superfeast Jing Blend 100g Jar


2 in stock

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